Witaj na pradawnym forum , które w czasach staro¿ytnych têtni³o ¿yciem. Dzisiaj inna epoka, fora internetowe nie maj± ju¿ takiej popularno¶ci, ale mimo to zajrzyj do nas , napisz posta lub na chacie od czasu do czasu. Zagraj w mugena z postaciami ze swojego ulubionego anime. Niech pojawi siê nuta nostalgii. Stary Le¶niczy wci±¿ tutaj mieszka :)
o podstawie naruto mmorpg albo Byond(niewiem co to :d)
co¶ co jaki¶ polak gra i bedzie gites majonez
No GMs, No Rank/Membership Benefits, Just fun balanced and original Gameplay.
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a non-rip, Naruto-based MMORPG. Set on a massive 1000x600 map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
Join through the hub, we're having server difficulties. The number of players you see are not consistent to the ones actually playing, simply a server to transport to the real game. Be sure to try us out!
Classic Version of Naruto: Way of the Shinobi, over 5 years old!