H4ku - 2007-11-03 20:30:30

Ja gram w grę Little Fighter 2 Naruto mod całkiem niezła gierka można ją pobrać na http://narutolf2.bnx.pl

obito - 2007-12-18 14:25:08

ja w tej grze dobrze gram sasuke niezła giera ale szybko sie nudzi

zielarz - 2007-12-20 10:54:55

ściągam ja zaraz zobaczę co to jest ;p

naru12 - 2007-12-20 17:53:58

bardzo fajna gra ..ciągle gram w nią z moim bratem{{}}

Coolman - 2007-12-21 09:49:46

nie grałem...ale zaraz sćiagne i zobacze co to jest.;]

WeLo - 2007-12-22 13:47:00

Ja w to grałem, ale szybko się nudzi. Widziałem na jakiś screenach że są postacie dodatkowe jak 1,2 i 4 Hokage, Naruto Kyuubi i parę innych.

Gsasa - 2007-12-22 14:10:57

zaraz ściągnę i zobaczę, ale myślę, że jak mówicie to fajne....;D

Pryza - 2007-12-22 14:11:04

ja zagralem chwile ale nie wiem jak tam sie wykonuje combosy wiec mnie komputer rozwalal...dalem sobie spokoj

NBA2 - 2007-12-28 19:12:07

Moze Fajna,po Postach mozna sie slinic :P Wlasnie ja sciagam :)

sphinx123 - 2007-12-28 22:01:24

Kurcze, te postacie z Naruto, za przeproszeniem, ssają pauke w porównaniu do zwykłych z LF2 :) Gierkę usunąłem z kompa po 5 minutach :)

wulcio123 - 2007-12-29 09:15:36

gra spoko tylko malo postaci:p

NarutX - 2007-12-29 21:19:15

gierka spoko szczególnie kiedy się gra z kolegą obok :D

WeLo - 2007-12-30 16:36:33

z kolega mozna se pograc ale wole NBA2 .. :D

wulcio123 - 2007-12-30 16:49:08

ja też wole NBA2

sliwas221 - 2007-12-31 01:44:48

mi nie dziala wyskakuje demon_exe ale wałek....

NBA2 - 2008-01-02 19:26:08

Hmmmm Podałby ktos combosy???Nie wychodzą mi Troch (może bardziej niż troche LOL)
by mi to bardzo pomogło

naruto uzumaki krys - 2008-02-12 17:03:08

poszukaj w dziale combosy

kuboss - 2008-02-12 19:47:13

Ściągam właśnie może fajne kiedyś grałem w zwykłego little fightera

Awalansz1992 - 2008-02-13 17:43:46

gralem przeszlem cieszylem sie 20 min bardzo fajna gra lubie grac gaara i naruto

Gaara-Sasuke - 2008-02-14 14:12:06

hmm... :D Zapoda ktoś jakieś combosy do tego bo się troche gubię :/

platfus - 2008-02-15 18:35:07

nawet nawet

Szlugi12 - 2008-02-23 18:13:24

Grałem ale jakoś nie przekonałem się do tej gry wole zwykłe LF2

AleXx1321 - 2008-02-23 18:49:27

grałem w tę grę ale szybko się znudziła ...

R_A_S_E_N_G_A_N - 2008-04-06 19:43:40

dlamnie to jest fajne ale LF ogulnie nie lubie :kabuto:

H4ku - 2008-04-07 05:51:52

Wyszła lepsza gra LF2 naruto czyli NTSD (Naruto The Setting Dawn).Można ją ściągnąć tutaj : www.narutolf2.bnx.pl

EliteSniper - 2008-04-07 14:07:08

Fajna Gra

Sasuke XX - 2008-04-07 19:10:26

Znam wszystkie comba Sasuke, Lee i Naruto na pamięć. Teraz przejdę całą grę Gaarą.

jarek - 2008-04-12 16:34:25

Ja z grupką kolegów tworzymy moda do LF2(tak, tak, naruto:p). Jeżeli chcecie zobaczyc wiecej to: www.littlefriends.ugu.pl

Kankuro - 2008-04-12 17:18:39

Świetna gra dużo dobrych postaci ogólnie gram przez neta z kumplami w NTSD po prostu miodzio lepsze od mugenów wystarczy pograć troche przez neta a jak się zna HM czyli Hell move postaciami to bajka :D

Krzych - 2008-04-12 18:36:48

dajcie linka do tego

Dziadunio - 2008-04-12 20:26:23

Niemam linka ale pszukaj w wyszukiwarce pod " naruto mod dwnlad " pwinno sie udac :naruto:

Kamixoo - 2008-04-12 21:38:29

A fujj Kwadratowe Głowy Protest NDST JEST LEPSZE WYJDZIE zaniedługo 2.0 wersja :D

Macialao - 2008-04-13 09:13:31

Gram w tą gre tylko itachim bo ma najlepszy cios
obrona gura skok xDDD nożyk+szyja=ded

Matefix - 2008-04-16 12:42:09

Też to mam i bym se zagrał Przez sieć

patryk13 - 2008-04-19 14:48:28

Nie lubie:/

Dabrio - 2008-05-14 11:43:12

ja gram w lf2 i robie postacie

Naruto Uzumaki4 - 2008-07-16 15:26:28

A tu lista atakow pomogle daj plusa xD


For All Charaters:
Chakra Charge- Defend, Jump, Attack
Quick Recovery- When hit into air, press Jump
Replacement Jutsu-Press Jump when Hit


Kage Bunshin- Defend, Down, Jump
Clone Toss- Defend, Down, Attack
Shuriken- Defend, Foward, Attack
Rasengan- Defend, Foward, Jump
Naruto Kamakazi- Defend, Up, Attack
Naruto Rendan- Press jump while rolling
Oodama Rasengan- Jump while charging rasengan
Rasenshuriken- Defend, Up, Jump
Kyubii Transformation- press defend when rasengan hits opponent

Chidori Blade- Defend, Foward, Jump (defend after bodyflicker)
Chidori Current- Defend, Down, Jump / jump when hit (jump after bodyflicker)
Chidori Needles- Defend, Foward, Attack (attack after body flicker)
Body Flicker- Defend, Down, Attack
Chidori- Defend, Up, Jump
Phoenix Flare- Defend, Up, Attack
Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu- Attack, Jump
Sharingan- Attack, Defend
Cs2 transformation- keep pressing jump during chidori

-Cs2 Sasuke
Chidori Current Storm- Defend, Down, Jump/ jump when hit
Chirori Current Flow- Defend, Down, Attack
Chidori- Defend, Up, Jump
Dark Kirin- Defend, Up, Attack
Sharingan- Attack, Jump

Desert Coffin- Defend, Up, Attack
Sand Blast- Defend, Foward, Attack  (keep pressing attack to fire out more)
Sand Storm- Defend, Down, Attack
Sand Spikes- Defend, Down, Jump (or press attack when hit)
Desert Grave- Defend, Up, Jump

-Rock Lee:
Leaf Whirlwind- Defend, Foward, Attack
Spin Combo- Attack (any amount of times), Jump, Jump, Jump  (must be very fast)
Dash Spin Combo- Run Attack, Jump
Teleport- Run, Defend
Leaf Crash- Defend, Foward, Jump
Jump Combo- Jump, Attack, Jump
Omote Renge- Defend, Down, Attack
Ura Renge- Defend, Up, Attack

Spider Mine- Defend, Down, Jump
Homming Birds- Defend, Foward, Jump
Bird- Defend, Foward, Attack
Clay Worm- Defend, Down, Attack
Self Destruct- Attack, Defend, Jump
Clay Bird Mode- Defend, Up, Jump
Mini Tracking Bird- Defend, Up, Attack
Spider Swarm- Defend, Down, Jump, Attack
Detonate- Attack, Jump

-Deidara Bird Mode:
Clay Bird- Defend, Foward, Attack
Mass Clay Bird- Defend, Foward, Jump
C3- Defend, Up, Jump
Clay Fish- Defend, Down, Attack
Get off Bird- Defend, Down, Jump

Shadow Slash- Defend, Foward, Jump
Kunai- Defend, Foward, Attack
Clone Exposion- Defend, Down, Attack
Amaterasu- Defend, Down, Jump
Mangekou Sharingan- Attack, Jump (has to be close to opponent, and press fast)
Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (grand fireball)- Defend, Up, Attack (after seals are done) Defend
Katon Housenka no Jutsu (rapid fire)- Defend, Up, Attack (after seals are done) Attack (keep pressing attack to rapid fire)
Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (flamethrower)- Defend, Up, Attack (after seals are done) Jump

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (grand fireball)- Defend, Foward, Jump
Suiton Water Dragon- Defend, Foward, Attack
Fuuton Tornado Vaccum- Defend, Down, Attack
Raikiri- Defend, Down, Jump
Mangeykou Sharingan- Defend, Up, Attack, Jump
Nin Dogs- Defend, Up, Jump
Double Raikiri- Defend, Down, Jump...jump (press jump after seals)
Sharingan- Attack, Jump

Heal-Defend, Up, Jump
Rock Smash- Defend, Down, Attack
Run Smash- Run Attack
Rock Throw- Defend, Foward, Jump
Shuriken- Defend, Foward, Attack
Heal Other- Defend, Down, Jump

-Sasori (Hiroku):
Kunai- Defend, Foward, Attack
Tail Grab- Defend, Up, Attack
Poison Gas- Defend, Foward, Jump
Kunai Mass attack-Defend, Down, Jump
Tail Burrow- Defend, Down, Attack
Transformation- Defend, Up, Jump

-Sasori (Human)
Flame Thrower- Defend, Foward, Jump
Iron Sand (with puppet)- Defend, Foward, Attack
Iron Brick (with puppet)- Defend, Down, Attack
Iron Death Sand- Defend, Up, Attack
Drop Puppet- Defend, Jump, Attack

Water Shark- Defend, Foward, Attack
Water Shark Massacre- Press Attack after Water Shark
Water Dragon- Defend, Foward, Jump
Water Clone- Defend, Up, Jump
Water Shark Massacre- Defend, Up, Attack
Water Prison- Attack, Defend
Water Clone Prison- Attack, Jump
Shark Hunt- Defend, Down, Attack

Kaiten- Defend, Up, Jump/press jump when hit
(Keep pressing jump to continue spinning)
Hakke Kusho- Defend, Foward, Attack
Byakuygan (makes opponent's mp go to 0)- Defend, Down, Attack
Double Air Palm- Defend, UP, Attack
64 Strikes- Defend, Down, Jump

Katon-Defend, Down, Attack
Fire Frog- Defend, Down, Jump
Jumping Frog- Defend, Up, Attack
Rasengan- Defend, Foward, Jump
Needle Hair- Defend, Foward, Attack
Double Rasengan- Press attack after initial rasengan
Hair Defend- Press jump when hit
Swamp of the Underworld- Defend, Up, Jump

Ink Lion- Defend, Foward, Attack
Ink Lion Barrage- Defend, Foward, Jump
Ink Snake- Defend, Down, Attack
Ink Bird- Defend, Up, Attack
Ink Rats- Defend, Down, Jump
Ink Dragon- Defend, Up, Jump

Snake Grab- Defend, Foward, Jump
Viper Hand- Defend, Foward, Attack
Dual Snake Attack- Defend, Down, Attack
Snake Slither- Attack, Jump
Rashomon Gate- Defend, Down, Jump
Shadow Walk- Hit Defend when hit
Snake Regeneration- Defend, Up, Jump when lying
Manda- Defend, Up, Jump

-Ten Ten
5x Shuriken- Defend, Foward, Attack
Ball and Chain- Defend, Foward, Jump
Demon Windmill Shuriken- Defend, Up, Attack
Spiked Ball Explosion- Defend, Down, Attack
Shuriken Frenzy- Attack, Jump (keep pressing jump to continue)
Weapon Barrage- Defend, Up, Jump

Wood Palm- Defend, Foward, Attack
Wood Barrage- Defend, Foward, Jump (keep pressing jump to fire out more)
Wood Quake- Defend, Down, Attack (keep pressing attack to fire out more)
Wood Cage- Defend, Down, Jump
Great Forest- Defend, Up, Jump

Gatsuga- Defend, Foward, Attack
Dog Travel- Defend, Foward, Jump
Double Gatsuga- Defend, Up, Attack
Splitter Strike- Defend, Down, Attack

Shield of Chakra- Defend, Foward, Attack
Kunai Chakra Control- Defend, Foward, Jump
Chakra String Slam- Defend, Down, Jump
Summon Puppets- Defend, Up, Attack
Mom Puppet Spin- Defend, Down, Attack
Dad Stab- Defend, Up, Jump

Karakuri Engeki- Defend, Down, Jump
Puppet Spin- Defend, Foward, Attack
Poison Mist Hell- Defend, Up, Jump
Kuroari Suprise- Defend, Up, Attack
Sanshouo Flame- Defend, Foward, JUmp (keep pressing jump to continue)

-zxcv11791 (leader, coder, sprites)
-konkisuke (stages, backgrounds)
-nick65 (sprites)
-nave (coder, some sprites)


Neimad, Pakis Pride, Hyperlon, Hakumei, Zeky, yondy-hokage for the Rips
~gofanatix~, Hardedge for helping out with the sprites
Nightmare, Griever80 for the Sounds
Silva for the transformation exe
Kaitsu for moleboxing the game

portraits- sandfreak, caracols, orthider

Note:  I don't know the names of the people who drew the
portraits on the select screen.  If you know them, please
contact me so I can give them proper credit

-added new attacks to tobi
-added deidara's heavy walking and throwing
-added deidara's spider swarm
-changed kankuro's Karakuri Engeki
-fixed chiyo's chakra grab glitch
-changed chiyo's charging sprites
-added sand creatures
-able to add your own characters

Infern - 2008-07-17 15:17:28

Tu nie chodzi o ntsd! a na dodatek wszystko skopiowales :/

Gra nawet ale wole ntsd :p

Matri - 2008-07-17 23:45:27

niesamowita ^^

MADARA94 - 2008-07-22 09:21:06

moze byc Ale Naruto battle Arena lepszy

Sasuke1113 - 2008-08-04 13:17:08

Nawet best gierka leprze jest nba2 owiele leprze


daras - 2008-08-19 07:33:30

nie grałem...ale zaraz sćiagne i zobacze co to jest.;]

boss xD - 2008-08-19 12:28:18

ej powie mi ktoś skąd mogę ściognąć narutolf2 co ?!?!?!?!?!

bartix5 - 2008-08-24 18:08:23

a sa do tej gry dodatkowe postacie np kiba

Sasuke95 - 2008-08-25 08:40:48

ja nie grałem ale chyba ściągne

bds077 - 2008-08-27 12:57:33

wedlug mnie to taka jest nudna. Grałem w nią 2 dni i doszedlem do wniosku ze wole już zwykle LF2

Mazaw11 - 2008-08-28 09:25:58

ja wole NBA 2 bo to troche głupie

Vejiita - 2008-09-27 13:05:47

Mi się podoba ;)

Cold2000 - 2008-09-27 16:12:08

Ja mam LF2 LF2Naruto ale wole grać w Mugena.

Tamashii - 2008-09-28 10:09:37

Dla mnie gra jak inne...

Mati Uzumaki12 - 2008-09-29 16:23:49

dajcie strone na sciągnięcie nboa2

XxAkatsukixX - 2009-01-02 18:34:40

HEHE jest juz wersja 2.3 ale w zadnej nie umiem zrobic transformacji sasuke w cs2 i naruto w kyuubiego HELP !

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